Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just To Make It Clear

     Sorry for being late with this post yall but i also want to apologize for going on a tangent with this blog post. Today i will not talk about relationships specifically but a little more in depth on my point of view. It has been brought to my attention that my blogs have been a tad bit harsh and blunt. Some have told me that i seem to have a negative view on relationships. To those who have those beliefs i will definitely make my point clear and to the point. I have no negative views on relationships. I just don't need to speak on all of the positive points of a relationship. Many people can relate to these situations and scenerios that i speak of. I only like to show people that there are methods to making a relationship last. These are all situations i have dealt with first hand or situations that i have heard of. So to those who believe i just have negative feelings towards relationships, why would i offer advice in making it better if i feel so negative about it? I look at it like this if you have bad times, it will only make your relationship stronger when you weather the storm.
     I believe Love is the greatest feeling and strongest emotion when done right and most importantly when its with the right person. Nothing can break such a bond and nothing can destroy what love creates. My advice is only to help better anothers relationship that may have gone south and those who are in love are trying to mend.
     So to those who felt the way they did i hope this cleared it up for you. Thanks for reading the HeartBreak Kid blog brought to you by BlokVille and always remember:
     Keep in mind I am not a professional and all these posts are just based off my observations and failed personal experiences. Don't hold my words to be final for they are only my opinions.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

And So The Honeymoon Ends

     So I'm assuming you never took my advice when it comes to making the honeymoon last. Possibly you may have followed your heart and devoted 100% of what you had into your better half. That's beautiful and I wish you the best, but to those who didn't have the same outcome there's still hope. Your possibly dealing with multiple issues. From feeling smothered to fights about the most petty of situations. I've learned that when you devote so much time to one person and then immediately start wanted space, leads to some insecurities. Such as no longer feeling wanted or possibly being cheated on. If your having the feeling being little smothered or are smothering your man/ woman. Now unfortunately your forced to do what I advised last week. Now space is more important than ever. Think about maybe separate vacations. Or even taking a couple weekends to catch up with your friends and family. Its definitely gonna be hard to get use to but its a great remedy. When you begin to get accustom to this change devote at least 2 weekends with friends and family a month.
    If you have the other issue of constant bickering and petty fights then not only time apart is enough. This is when you have to decide if its an argument worth fighting about. A large problem with many stubborn people such as myself to know when to give up. Some battles aint worth the drama. When you find yourself getting upset and instead of arguing begin personally attacking your better half, take a breathe and calmly say you don't wanna talk at the moment and ask for time to vent. Walk away from dumb arguments. Trust me it helps. By the time you cool off you barely care about the issue at hand. Never fight in public and never try to discuss anything when your upset. Your pride kicks in and leads to bigger issues. But if your other half insists on discussing it while your upset, sorry but get them legs moving, or hang up the phone trust me they are already mad so who cares bout what they want your saving yourself from something worse than a simple meaningless argument.

Thanks for reading the HeartBreak Kid blog brought to you by BlokVille and always remember:
     Keep in mind I am not a professional and all these posts are just based off my observations and failed personal experiences. Don't hold my words to be final for they are only my opinions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And So The Honeymoon Begins

     So your started your relationship and you have this inexplicable infatuation with your other half. This I say is this best feeling in the world. This portion of the relationship is what we call, "The Honeymoon." This is the beginning of the relationship. This is where in my opinion the biggest mistakes are made in the construction of a great relationship. In my opinion this is where you'll do anything to see your other half happy. From the extended 5 hour phones calls to the random "I miss you" text messages come. The Honeymoon stage is where most people create the lies and false impressions. I know your asking yourself how so? how does this occur? Well many times we are so involved in creating these magic moments and other times focused on creating the perfect counter-part that we lose ourselves in the lies. For some its just "game", but for others they just wanna be that perfect accomadation to the object of their affection. That's a plus to a certain extent but in the end it always back fires. But there are tricks to keeping that honeymoon alive. For example, you have those moments where you are so hooked where you lose contact with friends and spend most of your time with your partner. Like I've said multiple times before, "absense makes the heart grow fonder." Though it may be hard to spend time apart, try it out. When you finally see each other it'll be worth it.

     Thanks for reading the HeartBreak Kid blog brought to you by BlokVille and always remember:
     Keep in mind I am not a professional and all these posts are just based off my observations and failed personal experiences. Don't hold my words to be final for they are only my opinions.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cupids Arrow

Love at first sight, fact or fiction? How do you truly know if
this is the one? Is there a possibility that such a mythical being
exists bringing people together giving them the gift of true love?
Maybe there is. You can never choose who you may fall in love with.
Like the phrase goes "The heart wants what the heart wants." There's
more to a relationship than just saying I love you and remembering
anniversaries. When that arrow hits you its real. All those movies
with corny candle light dinners, to the rose petals on the bed, they
become real and its far from corny. When in love nothing can stand in
your way of truly expressing your feelings to the one you love.
Emotions may run wild early but pace yourself. Remember absence makes
the heart grow fonder.
     Never go around looking for love or searching for cupid. Its when
you don't look that such great relationships begin.

Thanks for reading the HeartBreak Kid blog brought to you by BlokVille
and always remember:
     Keep in mind I am not a professional and all these posts are just
based off my observations and failed personal experiences. Don't hold
my words to be final for they are only my opinions.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Don't Rush A Good Thing

     One of the key points to a perfecr relationship is keeping it
slow. Me personally I'm not a fan of having sex with someone the first
date. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it but for me a sets me in a
new mind state when it comes to the person. I find that taking time
with sex and trust is perfect. Its human nature to a certain extent to
withhold from trust. I personally can't have sex with someone I don't
trust. Sex is something you should share with someone you have a great
connection with. How many times have you slept with someone you barely
knew and it was unfilling. There's a lack of a connection. It might be
good or just okay but why settle for less when you can have
phenominal. When you know someone better there's more of connection
when having sex. Its more than just sex then. It becomes an emotional
driven situation where both parties don't just fuck. From the gentile
touch to the cuddling after. It means way more.
     The word love is powerful. Nothing means more than that word or
hold so much power. It can be the greatest thing used at the right
time with the right person. I can't stress it enough never and I mean
never use it if you don't mean it. Some may confuse love for a crush
or the infamous puppy love. There's a huge differance between loving
someone and being in love with someone. I love a lot of people but
wouldn't do a fraction of what I would do for someone I'm in love
with. That's the differance. I wouldn't go above and beyond for
someone I love. That's something you do for those you can't live
     How do you know your in love? You have to ask yourself, can you
go on with your life after their not around? Can you imagine yourself
with someone else? Can you deal with your partners flaws and continue
being with them knowing there are certain things about them you don't
like? There far more complicated questions you can ask yourself to
know the truth on what kind of feelings you have for someone.
     With that said I explain what I call the don't rush theory. I say
this because many people for example say it when its said to them.
That's a huge no no. You are not obligated to feel the same for
someone as they do for you. Everyone is different. We don't fall in
love the same or for the same reason. Our standards are never gonna be
the same. So when you get in that situation be honest and tell them
how you feel. Once again honesty can only make your path clearer.
Either they respect you and continue pursuing your love or you just
weed out another person you don't need in your life. The other
negative point about using that word in the wrong way is when you
confuse having love, for for being in love with. This is why time can
only be your best friend. You may think this is it 7 months down the
line but the next day can be the breaking point where your no longer
feeling the same. You'll know your not in Love when that time comes.
Love is ever lasting if your truly in love you won't lose that
     We all know that years down the line or months that we tend to
slowly grow tired or you ma see your boyfriend or girlfriend is not
the same person you "fell in love with." This happens because we all
fall for the frauds and the fakes. We've all been guilty of giving
more and showing a different side just to get that persons attention
and affection. Another no no. Cause your just setting yourself up to
live a lie or fall for one. In time truth comes to the light. Allow
yourself to fall in love with something real and to also allow someone
to get to know someone real. It will only work out in your benefit.
     Happy Valentines day to everyone and I wish you all the best.
Spend the day with someone special and truly show them how special
they are to you.

Thanks for reading the HeartBreak Kid blog brought to you by BlokVille
and always remember:
     Keep in mind I am not a professional and all these posts are just
based off my observations and failed personal experiences. Don't hold
my words to be final for they are only my opinions.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Searching For Love

So you've decided to take that plunge into beginning a real
relationship. How do you do it? What do you look for? What type of
person are you looking for? What standards have you set for yourself?
Does love truly exist? And can you really find happiness in the arms
of another? So many questions run through your mind when you finally
decide you want to settle down. You've tried casually dating and
comparing each person with what you've answered the above questions.
Stop right there. Unfortunately this is not a perfect world and you
will never find that person that will contain all those special
attributes. But you'll always get close. That's when you gotta decide
if you are willing to sacrifice that one or more attributes that you
feel make the ideal lover. With sacrifice you may find that certain
qualities you love might be a complete disaster. You might find some
new qualities or things you may have thought to be horrible maybe
better suited for your character. Experiment try new things it will
definitely be a learning experience. You might just learn a little
more about who you are as a person. Never settle for less and if you
know your worth make sure you never fail to show it. Honesty is
definitely the best policy. There's so much more to an honest person.
Trust is the key to a wonderful relationship. They may not like what
they hear, but they'll respect you for being so real and honest
     When casually dating to find that special someone you have to
think can this person make me happy? Can I imagine waking up to them
everyday? These aren't questions to have the first time around. First
date or first time meeting them. It does indeed take time to be sure
or to even fathom coming to such conclusions. You have to make sure
you are honest with them from the beginning. You may like the person
or happen to believe in love at first site, but if you plan on going
on other dates with other possibilites let them know that. Though its
really none of their business they'll appreciate that your honest with
them. They may not like it and keep it moving or they might like you
enough to stick around for the ride. If they keep it moving better for
you. You just weeded out a loser.
     The most important advice I can give anyone don't rush. Love
rarely happens overnight. Love takes time. Its a learning experience
on both ends. Love maybe the strongest form of energy buts also the
most delicate.
     Keep in mind I am not a professional and all these posts are just
based off my observations and failed personal experiences. Don't hold
my words to be final for they are only my opinions. Thank you for
checking out The HeartBreak Kid (Searching For Love)